You’re peaceful until everything around you is not. Sound familiar?
You start your day early in the morning with worship music softly playing, soaking in time with God before the rabble awakes. You sit back dwelling in the calmness around you and confidently state out loud, life is good.
With peace pulsating through your veins and a cup of coffee in hand, you’re ready to conquer the world until….the kids wake up all at once, screaming for you, while the dog decides to vomit repeatedly all over the carpet you just cleaned. Simultaneously work demands begin dinging on your phone, and a calendar reminder pops up it’s your child’s turn to bring snacks to soccer practice. You stub your toe trying to hurry to take care of the dog mess and because it becomes all too much to bear, you erupt like a volcano with a scream the neighbors probably heard. Cue the tears because you tried hard to start your day on the right foot, with God, but life still got the best of you, again. You find yourself exhausted from trying to keep the peace in your home and within yourself.
You wonder why you can never feel the peace Jesus promises in the Bible. The years are passing you by and it doesn’t seem to be getting easier. You are exhausted from living in survival mode. You buy into the lie of the enemy that until you experience balance and calmness around you, you won’t be able to enjoy the life before you. The “if-only’s” rule your life. If only I could get the hang of it all. If only I could finally balance everything beautifully like (insert your friend’s name here) peace would rule my home. If only I could be more of a peaceful person. If only, if only….
Since the Garden of Eden, the enemy has been notorious for distracting humans from God. You and I are not immune to his tactics and attempts, but we can be holy aware in recognizing the peace stealers the enemy likes to wield at our hearts. He knows when we think our peace is gone, everything else like joy, hope, love, and patience goes with it. We turn from God- a heart divided on serving our fleshy needs or staying devoted to Him.
Are you ready to live from a place of being peace-filled instead of stress-filled no matter how your day goes? When we are able to rest in Jesus’ peace, we can live within the beauty of the overwhelm, and find a new faith-filled perspective on the life before us.
Join me for our next series, Remaining Peace-filled in a Stress-filled World. I pray it will be a heart changing 12-week journey starting in April!
Each week you can expect:
Devotional Study with Digging Deeper Bible Study Journaling Pages
Special Podcast Episode
Quick Notes for the Heart Mini Devotional to refill your heart at the end of the week.
Each month you can expect:
Zoom meeting with me to chat about the study!
Phone Lock Screen
Scripture Printable
Daily Intentions Printable Page to help with your quiet time.
In the meantime, I have a special gift for you! Download the Perfect Peace Scripture and Prayer Journaling pages below!
Let me know in the comments if this series is something your heart needs!
❤️needs this. Looking forward to the study.