He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2
When scary and unknown things infiltrate our peace like the worldwide pandemic, wars, and social unrest, we can experience rushes of panic and overwhelming pressure to keep ourselves and our family safe. Fear becomes challenging to shake off. It not only takes over our mind and heart but all we can think about is the darkness surrounding our world, closing in on us.
In these moments of anxiety, it’s easy for the enemy to mold us and breathe lies into our ears. He might tell us we need to be frightened and how we should be more worried than we are (insert anxiety overload). Or he might lead us into believing we will do a better job protecting ourselves, so we take the reins away from God.
If we are not grounded in The Truth or intentional in dwelling in God, we can easily become lost in our fears, doubts, and concerns. The reality is if we are not careful, it doesn’t take much to lead our hearts away from the Lord and before we know it, we find ourselves dwelling in the world, in fear, and in our worries.
Because God loves us, He calls us to dwell in Him, where true peace can be found. One of the best ways to dwell in Him is by reading and studying His Word. We can read about His promises, His truths, and His character.
A few days ago, I wrote about how Psalm 91 has been ministering to my heart with all that is going on in Israel and around the world. Each verse of this Psalm has brought me great comfort and encouragement, allowing me to find shelter in the Lord despite the hate and unknown swirling around me. I invited my readership to join me in praying it every morning and at night over their families. But as I was praying, I felt a stirring to memorize the entirety of the Psalm. I have a deep desire to have the words pour forth from my heart and out of my mouth (Colossians 3:16).
I would love for you to spend the month of November (starting on November 6th), dwelling in and memorizing Psalm 91 with me. I created a schedule and a journaling page to help you write His Word on your heart. Just a verse a day! Feel free to use the weekends to catch up or to spend time on the verse(s) that you might have struggled with. Download the free document below!
Remember friends, His dwelling place is made for us.
To find comfort.
To rest in His faithfulness.
To be still in His presence.
To be at peace.
His Word is life.
Comment below and let me know if you’ll be joining me!
Praying and cheering you on,