A few years ago, my family went on a trip to my old college town to visit some good friends. Walking around the school campus with my children in tow felt surreal. It almost seemed like another lifetime ago when I was once a young twenty-year-old hurrying between classes and walking with my friends along these same walkways. Each building we went by, the memories came flooding back and my heart felt a wistful longing for those times again. Life seemed easier, light-hearted, and more fun. What didn’t spring up to mind during this state of nostalgia I was in, was the truth about how during those college years I longed to be a wife and a mom. I had my fair share of crying sessions after breakups and seasons of loneliness when I wondered if my dreams would ever become a reality. And here I was living answered prayers but caught in a deep desire to return to my pre-married and pre-mom life, quickly forgetting the dream life I was currently living.
In the book of Exodus, we meet a group of wanderers living out an answered prayer yet wanting to return to a life of slavery. In their struggle and stress of life outside of Egypt looking different than they expected, they found themselves with a deep desire to return to a place they once cried out to God to save them from. Hunger, thirst, and tent dwelling was not what they had in mind. Cue the tears again, the Israelites cried out to be saved from the wilderness and wanted the familiar comforts back from their former life.
As much as I want to roll my eyes at the Israelites’ ungrateful response to God’s provisions and at how quickly they forgot all the amazing miracles performed before their eyes, I can painfully admit we are more like than not.
It might be safe to say I am not the only one who can relate to the wandering group. There is an actual condition known as nostalgic depression. If you find yourself longing for the past and dissatisfied with the present time, you might suffer from this affliction. Oftentimes we remember the past way better than it really was especially if we are discontent with our present life. Not to say it wasn’t wonderful or there weren't memorable moments that were had, but we can easily minimize or forget the sad and hard parts we went through. Like the Israelites who were forced to do back-breaking labor, experienced their sons being killed at the hand of the Pharaoh, and living a life of slavery, but in their hunger and thirst, all they can remember is how good the food was. The unknown before them, made their heart long for the familiarity of Egypt. Have you found yourself in a similar situation?
Is it bad to reminisce? Absolutely not, God reminds us over and over again to remember and ponder on His provisions. When we look back on how He worked in our lives, our faith, and hope should surge and move us forward in trusting Him all the more. But when reminiscing causes depression, anger, grumbling, and being blind to our current blessings, we may be coveting the past too much and making it an idol in our life.
What it all circles back to is the state of our heart. When we find ourselves struggling with contentment and finicky in trusting in God’s provisions, we are more than likely experiencing spiritually hunger and thirst. We are shangry! If you are familiar with the term hangry (when someone is angry because of how hungry they are), shangry is a word I came up with to describe when we are feeling spiritually depleted or spiritually hangry. Have you experienced this before?
For the month of August, we will walk alongside the grumbling and complaining Israelites in the wilderness and feast on the best nourishment from the only source that will satisfy every need, Jesus.
Shangry Study Overview:
Week One: Prepare to Feast on the Lord
Week Two: Jesus is Our Well That Never Runs Dry
Week Three: Jesus is Our Sweet Manna
Week Four: Jesus is Our True Rest
What You’ll Receive Each Week as a Paid Member:
One devotional (audio and written) with prayerfully guided questions and a breath prayer
PDF with weekly Scripture writing plan
Linger Study Method
Special content in my Saturday reflections, Quick Notes for the Heart
Bonus items:
Giveaway for paid members (This month I will be giving away The 40-Day Feast by Wendy Speake
Zoom Meeting with me!
Scripture phone lock screens and printables
I am also giving away a free membership for the month of August! Enter by commenting below with what week you’re most excited about studying! Winner will be announced here and emailed on July 29th! Yay!
Looking forward to you joining the table to feast on the goodness of the Lord!
In His love & grace,